Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book transport to my medical appointment?

Call our operations coordinator on 03 5741311.

How much will it cost me?

A member traveling to Nelson for an appointment is $60.00 and within Marlborough just $30.00. This covers same day return service. Members travelling from Ward and Seddon should confirm costs when talking to our coordinator.

How far before my appointment do I need to book transport with you?

Preferably at least 5 days, however emergency situations can be covered.

How will my driver get in touch with me?

Drivers contact you via text message or a phone call.

Will I share a trip with another passenger?

Sometimes if passenger appointments coincide.

When do I make payment for my transport?

Payment must be made either prior to trip or during the trip to the driver.

How do I make payment?

Payment is made direct to your driver in cash. Your driver can provide you with a receipt if required.

Why must I be a member of the Trust to use the service?

This is a requirement of MCVT’s Trust Deed.

Can I get involved to help with the Trust?

Marlborough Community Vehicle Trust is a volunteer run organisation. Our volunteers keep our service running for the community. If you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer or supporter please contact us.